Additional FEATURES
Everything You’ll Need in your website
ads | Booking | calendar | categories | chat | comments Area | contact form | content | ecommerce editor email Events | facebook feed | form | gallery | google analytics| list | login| marketing | media | menu | mobile | multisite | navigation | news | newsletter | notification | payment | responsive RRs | search | security | seo | shipping | sidebar | slideshow | social social | media | spam Stopper | New theme | tracking | Member user Area | video | widget | YouTube

Domain Name
A domain name is your website’s equivalent of a street address, Choose a FREE Domain Name: Your own .com/ org / etc domain name. (FREE)

Looking for a unique identity no one has ever had and which makes an impression of you in the market. We provide complete design solutions for your business Logo. From £65

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
online business is creating a trusted environment website security, reassuring visitors they’re safe on your site & where potential customers feel confident in making purchases. (Free)
Web Form
A web form is a medium that allows your visitors to get in contact with you and to send information, such as an order, a catalogue request, or even a query, which is passed to you.
Businesses can afford basic videos, From explainer videos to customer testimonials, you’d be surprised at how many visitors won’t read, but will watch videos throughout your site.
Your business location on your website makes it easy for customers to locate you, also events map, and venue location are important.
Content Management System (CMS)
Makes it easy to manage the content of your website. We always ensure that a CMS is integrated with your websites so that clients can easily add pages and modify website content.
Appointments / Booking system
Your users will have calendar, time & Date access to booking or paying for appointments
Chat, Comment System
it is a good place to make customers ask questions about your products and services, its a live Communicate point
Member Area only
Restricting Access that Protects members-only content with roles/capabilities makes it easy to access information, add custom registration: Good for Courses, Clubs, Client
Google AdSense
Earn money when someone or a visitor views your website or clicks an advertisement on your website. We can help you put google ads on
Newsletter Subscription
Good for updating your members with the latest information by taking their Email Addresses & Names. Great for marketing Purposes
Having a gallery to display your works will help your business
Shopping cart, payment area, use PayPal etc
Booking, Calendar System
For businesses with Events, booking, on a date, time or Place, venue, etc

Types of Websites
Here’s a list of some of the most popular on the web today:
eCommerce website
Business website
Blog website
Portfolio website
Event website
Personal website
Membership website
Nonprofit website
Informational website
Online forum

Types of Plugins that Every Websites Needs
- Contact form
- Back-Up Your Data
- Anti-spam

Types of Mobile App Development
- Native, Hybrid,Web
- Apple iOS, Google’s Android, or Windows Phone
Accessible to All Users
Content Strategy
Business Consulting
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
2024 Projects
Happy Clients
Website Completed
Email Accounts Only
What We Do Best at Ahudybery Tec